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iluvmyfam (USA: FL) : member bio

Name: iluvmyfam (USA: FL)
Userid: iluvmyfam

Inventory: 0
Points: 65.3
Mooched/given: 78/128
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.61:1

Wishlist: 1
Feedback: +106
Smooches: 3
Friends: 1
Cancelled requests: 8
Books receiving lost: 6
Books sending lost: 6
Rejected requests: 12

Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2010/07/17
Last here: 311 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
We are a no-smoking family and no pets. I love reading and this site is a fun way to trade and read more books. I keep my books in perfect condition. I do not fold pages or bend bindings. I have all kinds of books. I enjoy getting the packages and look forward to hearing back from those that mooched from me...HAPPY MOOCHING...

Please take into consideration that if you mooch from me I will not be sending for at least another3-4 weeks.If you are in a hurry for your books, I would not suggest for you to mooch from me at this time.I have just sent out 23 packages and need to take a break for a while. For those of you who have mooched my books, please enjoy them. They are in great condition. Thanks.

Unfortunately, I have just moved and all of my books are packed away. I don't have access to them right know do not know when I will get back to it. Sorry.

I love reading and Bookmooch. I am truly sorry that I have not been sending out to my requests. I have had a very difficult time fitting all of my other activities into my agenda. Again I am extremely apologetic.