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Andre Norton : Magic in Ithkar 1

Author: Andre Norton
Title: Magic in Ithkar 1
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 320
Date: 1988-04
ISBN: 0812547152
Publisher: Tor Books
Weight: 0.25 pounds
Size: 4.5 x 1.0 x 7.0 inches
Edition: 0
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Previous givers: 3 Jennifer Wharton (USA: WI), ljpbb (USA: NY), M. M. Brown (USA: TX)
Previous moochers: 3 infiniteletters (USA: KY), Vickie R. (USA: NY), vkanids (USA: KS)
Description: Product Description
Mass paperback reprint of 1985 trade paper first edition. Collection of fantasy stories set against a common backdrop. First in series, followed by Magic in Ithkar 2, Magic in Ithkar 3, and Magic in Ithkar 4. Contents: Prologue, essay by Robert Adams; The Goblinry of Ais, by Lin Carter; To Take a Thief, by C. J. Cherryh; Jezeri and Her Beast Go to the Fair and Find More Excitement Than They Want, by Jo Clayton; Fletcher Found, by Morgan Llywelyn; Well Met in Ithkar, by Patricia Mathews; Esmene's Eyes, by Ardath Mayhar; Swamp Dweller, by Andre Norton; Qazia and a Ferret-Fetch, by Judith Sampson; For Lovers Only, by Roger C. Schlobin; Dragon's Horn, by J. W. Schutz; Homecoming, by Susan Shwartz; The Prince Out of the Past, by Nancy Springer; Cold Spell, by Elisabeth Waters; Biographical Notes.
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