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Annemarie Schimmel : Rumi's World: The Life and Works of the Greatest Sufi Poet (Shambhala dragon editions)

Author: Annemarie Schimmel
Title: Rumi's World: The Life and Works of the Greatest Sufi Poet (Shambhala dragon editions)
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 224
Date: 2001-05-22
ISBN: 0877736111
Publisher: Shambhala
Weight: 0.7 pounds
Size: 6.12 x 8.86 x 0.64 inches
Edition: 1st
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Previous givers: 2 Paula Rangel (USA: AZ), Paula Rangel (USA: AZ)
Previous moochers: 2 Kim Schmidt (USA: MN), Katie (USA: IL)
3bookwheelboy (USA: MN), Kevin Whitesides (USA: CA), DiligantReader (USA: FL).
Description: Product Description
This book (previously published as I Am Wind, You Are Fire ) celebrates the extraordinary career of Persia's great mystical poet, Rumi (1207–1273), through the story of his life, along with an enlightening examination of his ecstatic verse. Rumi lived the quiet life of a religious teacher in Anatolia until the age of thirty-seven, when he came under the influence of a whirling dervish, Shams Tabriz, and was moved to a state of mystical ecstasy. One of the results of this ecstasy was a prodigious output of poems about the search for the lost Divine Beloved, whom Rumi identified with Shams. To symbolize this search, Rumi also invented the famous whirling dance of the Melevi dervishes, which are performed accompanied by the chanting of Rumi's poems. Professor Schimmel illuminates the symbolism and significance of Rumi's vast output and offers her own translations of some of his most famous poems.
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