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Andrew Geyer : Whispers in Dust and Bone

Author: Andrew Geyer
Title: Whispers in Dust and Bone
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 192
Date: 2003-02
ISBN: 0896724964
Publisher: Texas Tech University Press
Weight: 0.89 pounds
Size: 0.81 x 6.34 x 8.98 inches
Edition: First Edition
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Previous givers: 1 Margaret H. (USA: NM)
Previous moochers: 1 Mark Freeburg (USA: IL)
Description: Product Description
Diverse in setting and broad in range, these award-winning stories all turn, in some way, on the passing of the rural Southwest Texas way of life and its stamp on those who leave there.Ranging from bare-bones narratives to magical realism and ever lush in regional particulars, the stories all center on a sense of place. Sharing a point of origin and a journey, their characters weave in and out of the stories, looking for new starts-for answers-and seeing the world through dry eyes. They explore exotic Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, and a dig site in Peru and make a voyage of discovery down the Amazon River. They lose faith in God and find it again in such unlikely places as a water lot in South Carolina.The displaced protagonists all search for something elusive, something lost, yet in Geyer's hands are yoked by a tension that is somehow always new and always compelling.Andrew Geyer's earthy, edgy, colorful stories range from Texas to Peru, reflecting life's frustrations and occasional small triumphs.—Elmer KeltonThe contents...reads like the track listing of some Marty Robbins album-dusty and elegiac, but with that ten-dollar smile, that flash of white teeth under a hat brim. Even when the stories take you to South Carolina, or South America, still, it's Texas. The real one.—Stephen Graham JonesThe most important work of fiction to come out of the Southwest since Woman Hollering Creek.—Michael Hathaway
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