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Gale Maleskey : The Hormone Connection: Revolutionary Discoveries Linking Hormones and Women's Health Problems

Author: Gale Maleskey
Title: The Hormone Connection: Revolutionary Discoveries Linking Hormones and Women's Health Problems
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 506
Date: 2001-09
ISBN: 1579543561
Publisher: Rodale Pr
Weight: 1.8 pounds
Size: 6.8 x 9.4 x 1.5 inches
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Description: Product Description
Is this YOU?

Do you have vague symptoms like fatigue, dry skin, or constipation?
Do your symptoms come and go, especially around the time of your period?
Do standard medical tests say that you're " normal"?
Are you bothered by anxiety, irritability, or depression but don't know why?
Are you taking an antidepressant like Prozac but still don't feel right?
Does stress make your problem worse?
Do you have trouble losing weight or keeping it off no matter how hard you try to diet?

Maybe your hormones are out of balance.

In The Hormone Connection - by Gale Maleskey, Mary Kittel, and the Editors of Prevention Health Books for Women - you'll uncover the hormone imbalances that affect many women but even doctors often overlook.

How many of these symptoms sound like you?

* Food cravings
* Joint aches and pain
* Wheezing
* Leaky bladder
* Sleep problems
* Aggressive outbursts
* Nervous tension
* Forgetfulness
* Easy distractibility
* Upper lip hair
* Lukewarm sex drive
* Knee pain
* Tearfulness
* Unexplainable fatigue

Each symptom could be linked to hormones in some way.

The Hormone Connection goes beyond estrogen and menopause to tell women what they need to know about all the hormones that affect them during their thirties, forties, and fifties: progesterone, thyroid hormones, metabolic hormones, even stress hormones.

Featuring a three-phase plan to restore and maintain healthy hormone levels
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